Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Working with theme after upgrading WebSphere Portal from 6.1.x to 6.1.5

We have a custom theme based on PortalWeb2 in IBM WebSphere Portal The theme was working fine. As part as the customization, we have to update ibmCSA.js

Recently we upgraded WebSphere Portal to version, which uses Dojo 1.3.2. Because we want to use the latest Dojo packages, we need to:
  1. Apply the same modification of ibmCSA.js.uncompressed.js located in wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/Dojo_Resources.ear/dojo.war. Once the file has been modified, it is recommended that we compressed it.
  2. Follow the instruction in http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wpdoc/v6r1/topic/com.ibm.wp.ent.doc_v615/dev/dojo_overview.html?resultof=%22%70%6f%72%74%61%6c%5f%64%6f%6a%6f%22%20, section "Using Dojo V 1.3.2 in your custom portal theme"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Profiling a Portlet in a remote WebSphere Portal Server

I have been trying profile/monitor my custom portlet behavior in a remote WebSphere Portal Server and just recently successfully able to perform this task. The following is my configuration:

Local Development Workstation:
  • Rational Application Developer 7.5.5 (you need to include portal toolkit with WebSphere Portal 6.1 stub)
Remote Portal Server:
  • WebSphere Portal
  • Rational Agent Controller 8.1.3
  • OS:  Windows 2003 SP 2
I follow the following document from IBM Web Site:

The following are the environment variables that I have to set on the remote machine:
  • JAVA_PROFILER_HOME=c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.tptp.javaprofiler
  • LIB=%LIB%;c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\plugins\;c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\bin; c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\lib
  • Path=%PATH%;c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\plugins\;c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\bin; c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\lib;c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.tptp.javaprofiler
  • PROBEKIT_HOME=c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\plugins\org.eclipse.hyades.probekit
  • TPTP_AC_HOME=c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController
Note: I installed Rational Agent Controller at c:\IBM\SDPNew folder

I also have to match the port number that is located in c:\IBM\SDPNew\AgentController\config\serviceconfig.xml:
    <TransportLayer loadlib="socketTL" type="TPTP_SOCKET">

with the port specified in RAD:

The last thing I have to do is to run setconfig tools, to make sure that the jvm version used by agent controller is the same as the jvm run on WebSphere.

After configuring the system as specified above, I am able to profile my custom portlet